Quiz Questions for your Pub Quiz

Free trivia questions for your pub quiz.

May 27, 2009 – As American as…

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Pie.  The theme word for this week was pie.  Mmmm.

Round 1

1. Bright’s disease affects which part of the human body?
    A. Kidneys

2. Who on featured on the 2 dollar bill?
    A. Thomas Jefferson

3. Who “took an axe and gave her mother 40 whacks”?
    A. Lizzie Borden

4. What area of the Yukon Territory experienced the gold rush of 1897?
    A. Klondike

5. How many laps does it take to take to complete the Indianapolis 500
    A. 200

6. What river flows through the Grand Canyon?
    A. Colorado

7. Incooking, to cook quickly in boiling water, often to soften or loosen skin is called what?
    A. (A) Blanch

8. Soylent Green is what?
    A. People

9. Which holiday, which had its first official recognition in 1868, was originally called Decoration Day?
    A. Memorial Day

10. If I’m suffering from alopecia, what unfortunate thing is going happening to me?
    A. I’m loosing my hair

11. Used primarily in business presentations, what type of graphic consists of multi-colored wedges?
    A. Pie Chart

Round 2

1. For a point each, name the original Charlie’s Angels (characters).
    A. Sabrina Duncan, Jill Munroe, Kelly Garrett

2. What is the traditional victory beverage guzzled in the Winner’s Circle of the Indianapolis 500?
  Grape juice
  Orange Crush
    A. (C) Milk

3. Fez is an African city which gives its name to a type of hat. In which country is it?
    A. Morocco

4. What was the name of the small, green space alien that visited Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble?
    A. The Great Gazoo

5. In 1839, the estate of the late British scientist James Smithson made a  large cash donation to the United States. After 8 years of congressional wrangling, what institution finally arose from the donation?
    A. Smithsonian

6. From what did Little Jack Horner pull his plum?
    A. A Christmas pie

7. Name the book and the author: ‘ No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinized and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinize the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. ‘
    A. The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells

8. What name is given to the palace of bliss for the souls of slain heroes in Scandinavian mythology?
    A. Valhalla

9. What is the animal inspired derogatory term for questionable government appropriations intended strictly to bring money to a representative’s district?
    A. Pork Barrel spending

10. How many men on a dead mans chest?
    A. 15

Round 3

1. According to the nursery rhyme, what did Peter Piper pick?
    A. A peck of pickled peppers

2. Ray Harroun won the first Indianapolis 5000 in 1911. What was his average speed?
  12.8 MPH
  25.4 MPH
  53.8 MPH
  74.6 MPH
    A. (D) 74.6 MPH

3. What product advertises itself as “the other white meat”?
    A. Pork

4. May 25, 1787 saw the sitting of the Constitutional Convention. In what city did the delegates meet?
    A. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

5. For a point each, name the items on the McDonalds dollar menu
    A. Fruit N Yogurt Parfait, fries, McDouble, Apple Pies, McChicken, Soda, Side Salad, Hot Fudge Sundae

6. In the folk song “My Darling Clementine”, what did Clementine’s dad do?
    A. He was a miner

7. The seventh amendment to the US Constitution specifies what?
    A. Right to trial by jury in common (case) law cases.

8. Which is the only vowel on a standard keyboard that is not on the top line of a standard QWERTY keyboard?
    A. A

9. From where do Manx cats originate?
    A. Isle of Man

10. May 29, 1848 saw the Badger State enter the Union as the 30th state.  What is its official name?
    A. Wisconsin

Round 4

1. Which is the largest nerve in the body?
    A. Sciatic nerve

2. From what bird do we get the meat known as squab?

        A. (C) Pigeon

    3. What cartoon character is the constant target of a cat named Sylvester?
        A. Tweety Pie (or Tweety Bird)

    4. Only two mammals lay eggs. Name ’em.
        A. Spiny anteater (echidna) and platypus

    5. What island group is made up of St. John, St. Thomas and St. Croix, and Water Island?
        A. US Virgin Islands

    6. Which Looney Toons character is featured at the end of each episode with his trademark “Th- Th-Th-Th-Th-… That’s all, folks.”?
        A. Porky Pig

    7. Name the year: Facebook is founded; the last Oldsmobile is made; the National WWII memorial is dedicated; Lance Armstrong wins his 6th Tour de France;
        A. 2004

    8. On May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary reached the summit of Mount Everest along with whom?
        A. Sherpa Tenzing Norgay

    9. The town of Meiringen, Switzerland, next to Reichenbach Falls, is home to a museum dedicated to what famous British institution?
        A. Sherlock Holmes

    10. What age followed the Bronze Age
        A. Iron Age

Written by quizguy

May 27, 2009 at 1:49 pm

Posted in Pub Quiz, Quiz Questions

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