Quiz Questions for your Pub Quiz

Free trivia questions for your pub quiz.

April 16, 2008

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This one also ended up being more difficult than originally anticipated.

Round 1 (30% correct)

1. Known for their covert actions during WWII, the OSS was the precursor to the CIA. What does OSS stand for?

2. What was the name of the two detectives on the first season of Law and Order?

3. Which is longer? A statute mile or a nautical mile?

4. How much was George Washington paid per year to be president (in 1789 dollars)?

  1. $500
  2. $2500
  3. $5000
  4. $25000

5. The phrase sticky wicket, meaning a difficult situation, comes to us from what sport?

6. Which famous American playwright recently declared that he was “no longer a brain-dead liberal”?

7. Barbara Bush is the great-great-great niece of which former US President?

8. What singer recently won a Pulitzer Special Citation award this year?

9. True or False: President Gerald Ford was offered a contract to play football for the Green Bay Packers?

10. What agent number was Maxwell Smart in the TV series Get Smart!

Round 2 (60% correct)

1. On this day in 1912, Harriet Quimby, the first female to gain a pilots license in the US, became the first woman to cross what body of water?

2. “The Buck Stops Here” was the maxim of which US President?

3. St Matthew is the patron saint of what profession?

  1. Paratroopers
  2. Tax Collectors
  3. Prostitutes
  4. Writers

4. The front of which US coin has remained virtually unchanged since 1909?

5. The streets comprising Seattle’s central business district can be remembered by the useful mnemonic “Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest”. For a point each, name the streets that this refers to?

6. What is the alcoholic ingredient in a Tom Collins?

7. How many pecks in a bushel?

8. Of the top 100 thrillers as compiled by the American Film Institute, which director was most represented with 9 entries?

9. We’ve all heard of the Stockholm Syndrome. But what is the Lima Syndrome?

10. Mark Spitz holds the record for the most number of gold medals won in a single Olympic Games. How many did he win?

Round 3 (43% correct)

1. The first income tax in the US was levied to pay for what war?

2. What does a gymnophobic fear?

3. Which drug cartel was built and run by the Columbian Pablo Escobar through the 1970s and 1980s?

4. Italian sculptor Franco Covill spent 18 months cultivating topiary in Liverpool to honor the Beatles. Vandals removed the head from one of the figures. Which one?

5. Which is the best selling car of all times (sold more than any other model)?

6. In addition to the French, two other countries fought as allies of America during the War of Independence. Name either one

7. What was the first non-human to appear on the cover of Time magazine’s “Man of the Year” issue?

  1. the atomic bomb
  2. the personal computer
  3. the television
  4. the planet Earth

8. What is the only venomous lizard native to the United States?

9. Hymen was the Greek god of what?

10. Who is Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmanuel Ambroise Diggs?

Round 4 (54% correct)

1. Crystle Stewart, the 26-year-old miss from what state, is the new Miss USA?

  1. Colorado
  2. Georgia
  3. Mississippi
  4. Texas

2. Who advertises their beer as “the champagne of beers”?

3. What was the name of the Russian nuclear cruise missile submarine which was lost with all hands when it sank in the Barents Sea on August 12, 2000?

4. The aliens from the movie Mars Attacks! were finally dispatched by being exposed to whose music?

5. What is the name of the Barbie clone on the Simpsons?

6. What event allegedly ignited the Watts Riots of 1965?

  1. A case of mistaken identity
  2. A drunk driving arrest
  3. A raid on an after-hours tavern
  4. A domestic violence call

7. Which is taller? Snoqualmie Falls? Or the American side of Niagra Falls?

8. “Here I come to save the day” was the catchphrase of what cartoon crime fighter?

9. What does the H & R stand for in H & R Block?

10. Jesse White, Gordon Jump, and Clay Earl Jackson have all held the role of Ol’ Lonely. For what company do they work?


Round 1

1. Office of Strategic Services

2. Detective Sgt Max Greevey and Detective Mike Logan

3. A nautical mile. The Nautical mile is 6076 feet, the statute mile is 5280

4. (B) $25,000

5. Cricket

6. David Mamet

7. Franklin Pierce

8. Bob Dylan

9. True

10. 86

Round 2

1. The English Channel

2. Harry S Truman

3. (B) Tax Collectors

4. The penny

5. Jefferson, James, Cherry, Columbia, Marion, Madison, Spring, Seneca, University, Union, Pike, Pine

6. Gin

7. 4

8. Alfred Hitchcock

9. Where the abductors sympathize with the hostages

10. 5

Round 3

1. The Civil War

2. Nudity

3. Medelln Cartel

4. Ringo Starr

5. Toyota Corolla

6. Spain or Holland

7. (B) The personal computer

8. Gila Monster

9. Marriage

10. The Wizard of Oz

Round 4

1. (D) Texas

2. Miller High Life

3. Kursk

4. Slim Whitman

5. Malibu Stacy

6. (B) A drunk driving arrest

7. Snoqualmie Falls

8. Mighty Mouse

9. Henry W. and Richard Block

10. Maytag


Written by quizguy

April 16, 2008 at 11:25 pm

Posted in Pub Quiz, Quiz Questions

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