Quiz Questions for your Pub Quiz

Free trivia questions for your pub quiz.

April 2, 2008 Quiz

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This quiz was given on April 2nd, 2008.  It was a little harder than intended.

Round 1 (60% correct)

1. By what do we know the Sandwich Islands as today?

2. According to Pillsbury lore, what is the name of Poppin’ Fresh’s dog?

  1. Crusty
  2. Bun Bun
  3. Flapjack
  4. Poppie

3. How many moons has Mars?

4. What is the tallest building in downtown Seattle?

5. Which Milwaukee based company has the stock symbol HOG?

6. Who won season 1 of American Idol?

7. Which cartoon character was the first to be made into a balloon for a parade?

8. According to DNA studies completed in 2007, what farm animal is the closest living relative to the Tyrannosaurus Rex?

9. Due to the popularity of the cult hit Office Space, this company reintroduced a red stapler (the Rio Red) in 2004?

10. What professional sports team takes it’s name from an Edgar Allen Poe work?

Round 2 (60% correct)

1. According to witnesses, what did John Wilkes Booth shout after shooting Abraham Lincoln?

2. Which book starts out Puff-puff-puff. Chug-chug-chug?

3. On this date in 1917, Jeanette Rankin was the first woman elected to the House of Representatives, serving from 1917 to 1919, and again from 1941-1943. From what state was she elected?

4. In Texas hold ’em poker, what is the first set of 3 community cards called?

5. According to a recent Forbes estimate, who is now the richest man in the world?

  1. Carlos Slim
  2. Warren Buffet
  3. Bill Gates
  4. The Sultan of Brunei

6. What name was given to the practice which tried to turn lead into silver and gold?

7. What does OPEC stand for?

8. Who said “America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.”

9. By the power of Greyskull, who battled Skeletor?

10. Which teams comprise this years NCAA basketball Final Four?

Round 3 (35% correct)

1. Which of the following is not a show currently shown on TV’s Disney channel?

  1. Captain Flamingo
  2. Power Rangers:Destination Moon
  3. The Mummy: The Animated Series
  4. Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!

2. Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse?

3. True or False: Adolf Hitler was Time magazines Man of the Year once?

4. Who wrote such instant classics as Zabibah and the King, The Fortified Castle, Men and the City, and Begone, Demons?

5. Which composer was known as “The Waltz King”?

6. What was the eastern starting point of the Oregon Trail?

7. What piece of equipment is Dizzy in the Bob The Builder TV series?

8. In the world of trains, what does BNSF stand for?

9. Who was Prime Minister of Great Britain at the outbreak of World War II?

10. If you grabbed a hold of your pollex, what would you be holding?

Round 4 (35% correct)

1. Which Gilligans Island star was recently sentenced to 6 months probation after being caught with pot?

2. There are 3 USDA grades of beef that are commercially available. What are they?

3. What alias did Wonder Woman assume?

4. Who is the host of NPRs This American Life?

5. Of the 20 largest hotels in the US, how many of them are in Las Vegas?

6. What was the name of the shop keeper on Sesame Street?

7. Which two oceans meet at the Cape of Agulhus (also known as the Cape of Needles)?

8. Which human organ secretes bile, forms blood proteins, and stores vitamins for later release into the bloodstream?

9. Lions most often roar at night. How far away can their roar be heard?

10. Business tycoon and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie amassed his fortune from which commodity?


Round 1

1. The Hawaiian Islands

2. (C) Flapjack

3. 2. Phobos and Deimos

4. Columbia Tower. Formerly known as Bank of America tower or Columbia Seafirst Center

5. Harley Davidson

6. Kelly Clarkson

7. Felix the Cat

8. The chicken

9. Swingline

10. The Baltimore Ravens

Round 2

1. Sic semper tyrannis (Thus always to tyrants)

2.. The Little Engine That Could

3. Montana

4. The flop

5. Warren Buffet

6. Alchemy

7. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

8. Oscar Wilde

9. HeMan

10. North Carolina, Kansas, Memphis, UCLA

Round 3

1) (B) Power Rangers:Destination Moon

2. Walt Disney

3. True

4. Saddam Hussein

5. Johan Strauss II

6. Missouri. Independence, Mo

7. Cement Mixer

8. Burling Northern Sante Fe

9. Neville Chamberlain

10. Your thumb

Round 4

1. Dawn Wells (AKA Mary Ann)

2. Select, Choice, and Prime

3. Diana Prince

4. Ira Glass

5. 17

6. Mr. (Harold) Hooper

7. Indian and Atlantic

8. The liver

9. 8km, 5 miles

10. Steel


Written by quizguy

April 2, 2008 at 1:49 am

Posted in Pub Quiz, Quiz Questions

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