Quiz Questions for your Pub Quiz

Free trivia questions for your pub quiz.

May 14, 2008

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Round 1 (58% correct)

1. What company tabulates the votes for the Academy Awards, a job they’ve done since 1934?

2. The SAT test is a standardized test for college admission. Its top score used to be 1600. What is it now?

3. Plumbers derive their name from the Latin name for which metal?

4. An agency of the department of Labor, what does OSHA stand for?

5. On this date in 1948, this country declared its independence and was immediately attacked by 7 of its neighbors?

6. Which company advertised “Put a tiger in your tank”?

7. What day of the week was 9-11 (2001)?

8. When Conan O’Brien takes over for Jay Leno next year, who takes over for Conan?

9. The Scooby in Scooby-Doo is a nickname. What is his actually name?

  1. Schroeder
  2. Scoobert
  3. Scout
  4. Frank

10. What is the name of the lion in C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe?

Round 2 (70% correct)

1. What drink consists of wine, fruit slices, fruit juice, and soda water?

2. In what may well be one of the worst natural disasters ever, a cyclone ripped through Myanmar (Burma), killing upwards of a hundred of thousands of people. What name was given to the storm?

  1. Mala
  2. Akash
  3. Nilan
  4. Nargis

3. What is the name of The Simpson’s cat?

4. What country has the world’s longest coastline?

5. To escape detection, what fairy tale character assumed the identity Briar Rose?

6. Name the movie: “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room”

7. How many labors did Hercules perform?

8. The Queensberry Rules are standard rules of which sport?

9. In poker, what is the name of a behavioral tick that gives away a players hand?

10. What does “dot dot dot, dash dash dash, dot dot dot” spell out in Morse Code?

Round 3 (48% correct)

1. Who’s the black private dick that’s a sex machine to all the chicks?

2. By which other name was Edward Teach known?

3. What was the name of the lioness raised by George and Joy Adamson in the book/film/TV Series Born Free?

4. Held every 2 years, what golf tournament pits a U.S. team against one from Europe?

5. If you have died intestate, how have you died?

6. The average human has 32 teeth. How many does the average dog have?

7. What was the name of Sherlock Holmes’ Scottish housekeeper?

8. Which of the Bush girls got married last weekend in Crawford, Tx?

9. Without this man, born on May 12th, 1937, we wouldn’t know the seven words we can’t say on television. Who are we referring to?

10. Which toy was originally called the “Pluto Platter” when it was first sold in 1955?

Round 4 (53% correct)

1. What is the name of Hagar the Horrible’s wife?

2. What state has the most sparsely populated capital city?

3. For a point each, name the 4 members of the A-Team?

4. What is the longest running soap opera on US TV?

5. Where does Winnie the Pooh call home?

6. As of Feb, 2008, what long running T.V. series had the most watched television broadcast in U.S. history?

7. What is the name of the hero in Ayn Rand’s seminal classic Atlas Shrugged?

8. What company began life as the Tabulating Machine Company, then changed its name to Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation before finally deciding on its’ current name?

9. What Arkansas town is home to the headquarters of Wal*Mart?

10. Of the following, who has not walked on the moon? Alan Shepard, Neil Armstrong, John Glenn, Buzz Aldrin?


Round 1

1. Price Waterhouse or PricewaterhouseCoopers

2. 2400

3 . Lead (Plumbum)

4. Occupational Safety and Health Administration

5. Israel

6. Exxon

7. Tuesday

8. Jimmy Fallon

9. (B)Scoobert

10. Aslan

Round 2

1. Sangria

2. (D) Nargis

3. Snowball V

4. Canada

5. Briar Rose

6. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

7. 12

8. Boxing

9. A tell

10. SOS

Round 3

1. Shaft

2. Blackbeard

3. Elsa

4. Ryder cup

5. Without a will

6. 42

7. Mrs. Hudson

8. Jenna

9. George Carlin

10. The Frisbee

Round 4

1. Helga

2. Vermont

3. Hannibal (John Smith), Murdock, B.A. Baracus, and Faceman (Templeton Peck)

4. Guiding Light

5. The Hundred Acre Woods

6. M*A*S*H

7. John Galt

8. IBM

9. Bentonville

10. John Glenn


Written by quizguy

May 14, 2008 at 10:59 pm

Posted in Pub Quiz, Quiz Questions

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